LinkedIn Marketing Tip – Using LinkedIn Groups for Sales Prospecting

LinkedIn Marketing Tip - Using LinkedIn Groups for Sales Prospecting

LinkedIn Marketing Tip – Using LinkedIn Groups for Sales Prospecting

Using LinkedIn Groups is a great way to prospect for sales leads.  See why starting a LinkedIn group can help you find qualified sales leads.

Transcription for LinkedIn Marketing Tip – Using LinkedIn Groups for Sales Prospecting

I suggest you start your own LinkedIn group. Before you start the group, think about the type of people you want to engage. Kersten and I run an event down in Calgary called the Energy Services Networking Event which is specifically geared towards energy services companies (I assume the group title gave that away). We want to draw people into that group associated with that specific industry.

Two weeks ago I checked out the group and it has now grown to between 300 and 400 members. These are all people that are small businessmen, and most have the demographics we’re trying to play into. You can use LinkedIn groups as way to get people to engage with you while growing your sales leads at the same time.

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