A Secret to Writing Blog Posts

 A Secret to Writing Blog Posts

A Secret to Writing Blog Posts

I recently had the opportunity to to give a speech on blogging. As part of my speech, I talked about How Frequently Should I Write Blog Posts.


Transcription for A Secret to Writing Blog Posts

I’m going to give you guys a simple tactic you can use. I’ve shared this idea with people but I’ve never demonstrated it. Today I’m opening the kimono and showing you how to do this.

As I’ve said before, you want to take a phrase (maybe along with a geographical area) to find out how many online searches will come up for that phrase. Let’s look for “Calgary financial investments” and see if this could actually drive any results.

I’m using something called the Google Keyword Tool. Just go into Google and type “keyword tool.” You use this tool to find out how many times words and phrases are searched for. Unfortunately “Calgary financial investments” is not a great term because there are no monthly searches for it. The nice thing is Google gives you alternative and closely-aligned phrases

Let’s use “investment in Calgary.” There are 6,600 searches for that phrase. I’m going to click on “investment in Calgary.” It takes me to YouTube. I’m going to type the phrase again putting quotation marks around it.

What does the number of searches represent? How often?

Per month. There are 6,600 searches for that phrase in one month.

Does that track the IP addresses?

The question is whether the count is unique visitors or just the total number of visits. It’s probably a total. I don’t know for sure. Most of Google’s processes are shrouded in mystery. I assume it’s probably a total.

So, I go to YouTube. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. Someone told me (I don’t know if it’s true or not) that it will actually become number one — actually beat Google. Now Google owns it, so I doubt they care. They’re still the first and second largest search engines in the world.

Up here in the right-hand corner, there are only two instances of “investment in Calgary.” One’s on Prestige Homes — boo! I shouldn’t say that, should I? Well, my allegiance is to Dom. Then they have another one here. There’s not a lot there, but there are 6,000 searches online. That’s a term that I’d go after.

Another thing you can do is just go into Google and see how many come up for this phrase — 26,600 results. This is telling me there are 6,600 searches and there are 26,000 results — and that’s good. There are only two YouTube results. That is a phrase I would definitely write some posts about. One could be Investments in Calgary – Real Estate Investments. Investments in Calgary – InvestPlus Properties.

Chances are you’re going to get found. If you have a video wrapped around that and you put it into a blog post, you stand even a better chance of getting found on YouTube and also getting found on Google.

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Keywords: A Secret to Writing Blog Posts

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