Generating Sales Leads With Live Chat

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Generating Sales Leads With Live Chat

Learn how you can generate more qualified sales leads with live chat.

Transcription for Generating Sales Leads With Live Chat

Here’s why you want to have live chat. Remember I told you we’re going to take the cold out of cold calling?

I have a client in Calgary that is a plumbing and heating company. They have live chat on their website, and they keep it in what is referred to as “offline” mode. If you click on it, you’ll be asked for your name and email and it will prompt you to leave a question you want answered. This client was driving $200,000 worth of quotes every single month in this offline model. They never engaged with anyone. They just got people asking them to quote on jobs. They closed about one-third of those leads.

Live chat gave them around $65,000 worth of business every month. The company was able to engage with these prospects without ever having to contact them.

Generating Sales Leads With Live Chat

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